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In response to the pressing need for enhancing women's safety in India, a connected lifestyle accessory was developed for a leading women's bag brand. With a deep sense of empathy and a strong commitment to addressing this issue, the project aimed to empower and protect women in their daily lives.

The development process involved thorough research and collaboration with experts to ensure the accessory's effectiveness and usability. Seamlessly integrated into the brand's bag offerings, this accessory became an essential companion, seamlessly blending fashion and functionality to provide an added layer of safety and security.

Through the incorporation of cutting-edge technology, such as GPS tracking, emergency alerts, and real-time connectivity, the connected lifestyle accessory enabled women to navigate their routines with confidence and peace of mind. The discreet and intuitive design ensured ease of use, allowing women to embrace their daily lives with a renewed sense of empowerment.

By offering women a reliable ally, this innovation aimed to inspire them to live fearlessly and fully. It is our shared vision to create a world where every woman feels safe and empowered, knowing that her well-being is prioritized. Together, let us foster an environment where women can embark on their journeys with courage and confidence.

Overall scope:

-Brand: Naming, Identity, Positioning
-Hardware design & development
-Application design & development
-Industrial design

-TBWA India internal team
-Empoise Design (Industrial Design)

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